Annual General Meeting 2021

The years 2020-21 will be remembered for the greatest challenge our world has faced in a lifetime. No nation, community or individual has been spared from the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The impact on people already experiencing hardship or disadvantage was exacerbated, including the communities in the West and other regions across Melbourne that commUnity+ serves and supports.

commUnity+ reflected however on a year of incredible resilience across our staff, volunteers and Board, stakeholders, partners and communities. Prevention and early intervention programs have arguably never been more vital. Staff have not wavered in their commitment, meeting the challenges of working together and supporting our clients, students and participants, apart.

The 2021 Annual Report illustrates in stories and images, our communities’ journeys and the role commUnity+ has played in supporting people and families to overcome adversity and improve their agency and lives. The Annual Report can be read here.

Uplifting lived experiences were captured in video clips as shown below.

Our keynote speaker, Lynley Dumble, Director Community Wellbeing with Brimbank City Council, shared the Council’s vision: A welcoming, safe and supported community – an inclusive place for all.

At the meeting, three Directors were re-elected to the Board following the expiry of their previous terms of appointment. We extend our congratulations and gratitude to Emma Hunt, Olivia Joel and Jackie Mead for their valuable contribution to commUnity+.

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