Victorian Government Royal Commission into Family Violence Report

Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre (BMCLC), a program of Comm Unity Plus Services Ltd, supports the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence. We congratulate Premier Andrews and the Victorian Government for establishing the Royal Commission, thereby acknowledging the adverse impact of family violence on our community. 

We are pleased with a number of the recommendations put forward in the Report, including the establishment of support and safety hubs throughout Victoria. BMCLC believes that this will provide a broader reach of support to victims of family violence who will have better access to appropriate services in their area. 

BMCLC also agrees that the sharing of information between agencies that work with victims of family violence is vital to our ability to provide a holistic support service.

Another recommendation that has been welcomed by BMCLC is the ‘Safe Home’ initiative. James McCarthy, Chairperson of Comm Unity Plus Services, agrees that any proposal that serves to address immediate to long term risks of homelessness for female victims of family violence and their children is a priority.

BMCLC has recently expanded its outreach legal services to include health justice partnerships with Sunshine Hospital and Djerriwarrh Health Service within their antenatal clinics. These are both central health services that support large and growing populations of racially diverse communities.  

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