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Our Education Programs
commUnity+ is committed to providing opportunities for the community members to access quality community adult education programs. We have a particular focus on providing services in the western suburbs, to clients facing disadvantage and social exclusion, and those in communities new to Australia.
commUnity+ is a Registered Training Organisation (TOID #3755).
We believe in the power of adult learning in building the capability of our community, while improving their social, emotional and economic wellbeing. On an individual level, adult education can significantly transform the prospects of students and give them the confidence to participate fully in their community.
Employability Skills Training
Adult Migrant English Program

The Adult Migrant English Program
The Adult Migrant English Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs. The program is a complimentary service for migrants and refugees to improve English language skills and to settle in Australia. As a student, you will learn English to help you to participate in the community and learn employment skills.
commUnity+ delivers the Adult Migrant English Program on behalf of Learning for Employment, a community education provider.
AMEP Information in your language
Hello, 你好, hola, ciao, مرحبا, xin chào, bonjour, வணக்கம், Merhaba, and more …
Eligibility criteria
Eligibility criteria has recently changed, and you can:
- Access unlimited hours of English classes until you reach a vocational level.
- Apply to enrol even if you were enrolled in the Adult Migrant English Program before and have been living in Australia for some years.
- Keep studying until you reach vocational English level.
Our Courses
22636VIC Course in Initial EAL
VU23489 Recognise letters of the alphabet and their sounds in extremely familiar words.
VU23492 Participate in extremely familiar spoken exchanges.
VU23493 Recognise, copy and use numbers and money from 1 to 50.
VU23490 Use extremely familiar strategies to participate in learning.
VU23575 Recognise and use extremely familiar digital devices.
VU23491 Recognise and copy extremely familiar words
22637VIC Course in EAL
VU23494 Use strategies to develop language learning with support.
VU23495 Begin language learning with support.
VU23496 Communicate basic personal details and needs.
VU23497 Give and respond to short highly familiar information.
VU23498 Read and write short highly familiar messages and forms.
VU23499 Read and write short, highly familiar factual texts.
VU23577 Recognise and use numbers and money from 50 to 100 for highly familiar activities.
VU23578 Recognise and use time in highly familiar situations
22638VIC Certificate I in EAL (Access)
VU23500 Plan language learning with support.
VU23501 Participate in short simple exchanges.
VU23502 Give and respond to short, simple spoken information.
VU23503 Read and write short simple messages and forms.
VU23504 Read and write short, simple informational texts.
VU23236 Recognise and interpret safety signs and symbols.
VU23558 Identify settlement services and support.
VU23568 Locate health and medical information.
22639VIC Certificate II in EAL (Access)
VU22358 Develop learning goals.
VU23519 Participate in simple conversations and transactions.
VU23521 Read and write simple transactional texts.
VU23520 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions.
VU23522 Read and write simple informational texts.
VU22369 Work with simple numbers and money in familiar situations.
VU23560 Access the internet and email to develop language.
VU23566 Explore transport options
22640VIC Certificate III in EAL (Access)
VU22384 Develop and document a learning plan and portfolio.
VU23524 Engage in straightforward casual conversations and spoken transactions.
VU23526 Read and write straightforward transactional texts.
VU23525 Give and respond to straightforward information.
VU23527 Read and write straightforward informational texts.
ICTICT214 Operate application software packages.
VU22395 Work with a range of numbers and money in familiar and routine situations.
VU22400 Work with and interpret numerical information in familiar and routine texts
Learning options
The Adult Migrant English Program offers a range of learning options to students including:
- Face-to-face and you can request a volunteer tutor for extra support.
- Free childcare services are provided if you are studying face-to-face.
- Full time and part-time classes during the daytime or evening.
Settlement Language Pathways to Employment or Training (SLPET)
Settlement Language Pathways to Employment or Training is a free two hundred (200) hours course which includes two (2) weeks of work placement to:
- Develop knowledge and skills of the Australian employment environment.
- Improve English Language skills for employment.
- Prepare and participate in employment interviews.
- Write cover letters and resumes.
Eligibility criteria for SLPET
To join the Settlement Language Pathways to Employment or Training class you need to be enrolled in the Pre-employment English stream and attended class in the last twelve (12) months plus:
- A desire to be employed and to accept a employment should it be offered at the end of the course.
- Be motivated to attend classes four (4) days a week.
- Have confident communication skills to participate in a placement.
- Show progression in understanding English.
Volunteer Tutor Scheme
The Volunteer Tutor Scheme provides one to one English tutoring:
- For recently arrived migrants and refugees.
- For students who work or care for others.
- For those students who cannot attend class.
The Volunteers spend one (1) to two (2) hours per week with their student in their home or at a local community centre or library.
Distance Learning offers you:
- flexibility to study one-on-one with an AMEP teacher, at a time that suits you.
- a personalised English learning program
- opportunities to meet other AMEP students in virtual classrooms.
Further information
- Adult Migrant English Program brochure
- Department of Home Affairs program overview.
- Eligibility criteria.
Email the Learning for Employment consortium for further information.
Recent changes
On Friday 28 August 2020, the Australian Government announced major reforms to the AMEP. The reforms are supported by the Immigration (Education) Act 1971, which has been updated to include the recent legislative changes. The Act:
- Removed the five hundred and ten (510) hour limit on free English tuition.
- Extended eligibility from functional English to vocational English; and.
- Removed the time limits for enrolling, commencing, and completing English tuition for eligible visa holders who were in Australia on or before 1 October 2020.
For further information on the reforms read the Minister’s media release.
State Funded Programs - Skills First
commUnity+ delivers English as an Additional Language (EAL) programs. Courses are held at commUnity+ sites and in partnership with community groups, schools, and other partners.
Certificates in English as an Additional Language (EAL)
EAL courses prepare students for further study or employment through improving English language speaking, listening, reading and writing, as well as vocabulary and pronunciation.
commUnity+ is a Foundation Skills Approved Provider and contracted provider of Victorian Government-subsidised training. Funding is provided through the Skills First program.
To enrol in any of the qualifications subsidised under the Skills First Program, please contact the office on (03) 8312 2040. An interview will be scheduled, and your needs will be discussed with a qualified pre-training assessor.
Comm Unity Plus Services, (TOID No: 3755) is a contracted provider of Victorian Government-subsidised training.
Eligibility criteria for Skills First Program
To be eligible for the Skills First Program subsidy, you must meet all the eligibility criteria, which include location, citizenship, and education history, as outlined below.
Location and citizenship
You must be physically present in Victoria at all times at which you are undertaking the training and assessment.
You must also be either:
- an Australian citizen, or
- an Australian Permanent Resident (holder of a permanent visa), or
- a New Zealand citizen, or
- referred by a special initiative.
Education history
You must not:
- have started, or be due to start, more than two (2) Skills First funded AQF qualifications or skill sets in the same calendar year, and
- be currently enrolled in two (2) or more Skills First funded qualifications and skill sets at the same time, and
- be currently enrolled in a secondary school. This includes government, non-government, independent, catholic schools and home schooling. School-based apprentices and trainees are exempt from this requirement.
Criteria for Foundation Skills list courses
You must:
- meet the location and citizenship criteria, and
- meet the education history criteria.
You must not:
- hold an AQF qualification issued by an Australian VET or higher education provider that is at AQF level 5 (Diploma) or higher, and
- be enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program
Our Courses:
22636VIC Course in Initial EAL
VU23489 Recognise letters of the alphabet and their sounds in extremely familiar words
VU23490 Use extremely familiar strategies to participate in learning
VU23491 Recognise and copy extremely familiar words
VU23492 Participate in extremely familiar spoken exchanges
VU23493 Recognise, copy and use numbers and money from 1 to 50
VU23575 Recognise and use extremely familiar digital devices
22637VIC Course in EAL
VU23494 Use strategies to develop language learning with support
VU23495 Begin language learning with support
VU23496 Communicate basic personal details and needs
VU23497 Give and respond to short highly familiar information
VU23498 Read and write short highly familiar messages and forms
VU23499 Read and write short, highly familiar factual texts
VU23577 Recognise and use numbers and money from 50 to 100 for highly familiar activities
VU23578 Recognise and use time in highly familiar situations
22638VIC Certificate I in EAL (Access)
VU23500 Plan language learning with support
VU22352 Recognise numbers and money in simple, highly familiar situations
VU22353 Recognise, give and follow simple and familiar directions
VU22354 Recognise measurements in simple, highly familiar situations
VU23501 Participate in short simple exchanges
VU23502 Give and respond to short, simple spoken information
VU23503 Read and write short simple messages and forms
VU23504 Read and write short, simple informational texts
22639VIC Certificate II in EAL (Access)
VU22358 Develop learning goals
VU22369 Work with simple numbers and money in familiar situations
VU23519 Participate in simple conversations and transactions
VU23520 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions
VU23521 Read and write simple transactional texts
VU23522 Read and write simple informational texts
VU23560 Access the internet and email to develop language
VU23568 Locate health and medical information
22640VIC Certificate III in EAL (Access)
VU22384 Develop and document a learning plan and portfolio
VU22395 Work with a range of numbers and money in familiar and routine situations
VU23524 Engage in straightforward casual conversations and spoken transactions
VU23525 Give and respond to straightforward information
VU23526 Read and write straightforward transactional texts
VU23527 Read and write straightforward informational texts
VU23567 Investigate features of the education system in Australia
VU23573 Explore current issues
22643VIC Certificate III in EAL (Employment)
VU22384 Develop and document a learning plan and portfolio
BSBLDR301 Support effective workplace relationships
BSBWHS211 Contribute to the health and safety of self and others
ICTICT214 Operate application software packages
VU22398 Work with and interpret statistical information in familiar and routine texts
VU23537 Prepare to work effectively in an Australian workplace
VU23538 Participate in straightforward interactions for employment
VU23539 Read and write straightforward texts for employment
*This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding subject to eligibility requirements. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Enrolment for eligible students will affect future training options and eligibility for further government-subsidised training under the Skills First Program. Enrolment fees may apply.
Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)

commUnity+ offers SEE courses to help students develop language and numeracy skills. Download the brochure to learn more.
FREE accredited training is provided for:
- People who would benefit from employability skills-focused training
- Further development of reading, writing, numeracy, English language and digital skills
- SEE can help you create a pathway to work or help you go further in your current job
- SEE can help you be more confident to do further study
- Work experience can be a part of SEE and you can still look for work while doing SEE
- SEE can be tailored for a workplace and the people who are already working there
- SEE fulfills Mutual Obligations
- There are rolling intakes throughout the year
The SEE program provides accredited as well as non-accredited training. For more details, contact us directly. Alternatively, referrals are taken from Services Australia, Workforce Australia Employment providers as well as Disability Employment Services providers.
commUnity+ is proud to deliver the SEE Program on behalf of Learning for Employment.
For Employers, Industry Associations and Unions
commUnity+ SEE Program also provides the opportunity for employers, industry associations and unions to participate in the program to improve the skills of employees through workplace-based training.
- For employers, this flexible training can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business and can be delivered directly to your employees in the workplace at a time convenient to you.
- For industry associations, this training can be delivered to the employees of your members and tailored to meet industry needs.
- For unions, this training can be delivered to your members and tailored to meet their specific needs.
Our Courses
22637VIC Course in EAL
VU23494 Use strategies to develop language learning with support.
VU23495 Begin language learning with support.
VU23496 Communicate basic personal details and needs.
VU23498 Read and write short highly familiar messages and forms.
VU23497 Give and respond to short highly familiar information.
VU23499 Read and write short, highly familiar factual texts.
VU23577 Recognise and use numbers and money from 50 to 100 for highly familiar activities.
VU23578 Recognise and use time in highly familiar situations.
22638VIC Certificate I in EAL (Access)
VU23500 Plan language learning with support
VU22355 Recognise shape and design in simple, highly familiar situations.
VU23501 Participate in short simple exchanges.
VU23503 Read and write short simple messages and forms.
VU23502 Give and respond to short, simple spoken information.
VU22352 Recognise numbers and money in simple, highly familiar situations.
VU22356 Recognise and locate simple numerical information in short, simple highly familiar texts.
VU23504 Read and write short, simple informational texts
22639VIC Certificate II in EAL (Access)
VU22358 Develop learning goals.
VU22370 Work with simple measurements in familiar situations.
VU23519 Participate in simple conversations and transactions.
VU23521 Read and write simple transactional texts.
VU23520 Give and respond to simple spoken information and directions.
VU22369 Work with simple numbers and money in familiar situations.
VU22372 Work with and interpret simple numerical information in familiar texts.
VU23522 Read and write simple informational texts
22640VIC Certificate III in EAL (Access)
VU22384 Develop and document a learning plan and portfolio.
VU23524 Engage in straightforward casual conversations and spoken transactions.
VU23560 Access the internet and email to develop language.
VU23526 Read and write straightforward transactional texts.
VU23525 Give and respond to straightforward information.
VU22395 Work with a range of numbers and money in familiar and routine situations.
VU22400 Work with and interpret numerical information in familiar and routine texts.
VU23527 Read and write straightforward informational texts
Qualifications up to Certificate II in Certificate in General Education for Adults
*The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE)
ACFE Learn Local courses are designed to help students to return to study, improve reading, writing and numeracy skills, get a job or learn something new.
commUnity+ is proud to be a Learn Local organisation providing education services through the ACFE program.
A range of programs is offered, including:
*Comm Unity Plus Services Ltd acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.