Privacy Statement

commUnity+ respects and abides by the privacy principles enacted in Australian and international law. commUnity+ does not gather “cookies” or any information from site visitors. commUnity+ does not knowingly pass on, publish or disclose any identifying information regarding the network identities of machines visiting our website to any third party.

commUnity+ does not use email addresses or any information contained in emails sent to our website for any purpose other than that for which the email and the information contained within the email was intended.

commUnity+ does not maintain a mailing list, database or records of email traffic to this site other than subscriptions to commUnity+ e-newsletter. People who have subscribed to our e-newsletter who no longer wish to subscribe can contact commUnity+ on 03 8312 2000 to be removed from this mailing list. commUnity+ does not pass on, publish or disclose any email addresses from our e-newsletter database to any third party.

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