Happy World Teacher's Day - Our Outreach Programs Lead Teacher and Assessor Desi's Story

07 October 2024

Happy World Teacher's Day - Our Outreach Programs Lead Teacher and Assessor Desi's Story

I come from a family of teachers, so education has always been a significant part of my life. However, it was my personal experience with one teacher in particular that truly inspired me to pursue a career in adult education. This teacher transformed how I saw myself and helped me realize how I could contribute to the world and make a difference. That profound impact made me want to do the same for others.

In adult education, especially when working with migrants and non-English speaking learners, I have the privilege of helping people who are motivated to make real, meaningful changes in their lives. Watching students unlock new opportunities through learning, and witnessing their resilience and dedication, is incredibly fulfilling. It reminds me daily of the power that education holds to transform lives, just as it did for me.

My journey with commUnity+ began in 2018, drawn by their strong commitment to empowering vulnerable communities, particularly migrants. Coming from a migrant background myself—my parents migrated to Australia in 1968—I’ve always been passionate about the opportunities that education can provide for personal and community growth. commUnity+ stood out to me because of their holistic approach, which goes beyond just education. They combine learning with advocacy and settlement services, ensuring that people have the tools and support they need to navigate the complexities of life in a new country. This approach deeply aligns with my values of fostering inclusion, resilience, and social equity.

For me, education has always been more than just a tool for knowledge acquisition—it’s a pathway to a better quality of life, a means for individuals to realize their potential, and a way to strengthen communities. Joining commUnity+ was a natural extension of my belief that education can transform lives and contribute to long-term development and success.

One student who has stayed with me over the years was from Laos. She had completed tertiary studies in her home country but struggled with English when she arrived in Australia. She was determined to improve her language skills to secure meaningful employment, and her dedication was evident in her regular class attendance and extra work at home. As her language skills improved, so did her confidence. Together, we focused on practical skills like resume writing and interview preparation, while improving her digital literacy. Eventually, she applied for a position at Centrelink in Sunshine and was successful. Seeing her hard work pay off and knowing that I played a small part in her journey was deeply touching. It reinforced for me the profound impact education, paired with guidance and encouragement, can have in helping someone find their place and purpose in a new country.

Over the years, my teaching style has evolved to become highly student centered and adaptable. Working with migrants has taught me the critical importance of cultural sensitivity, patience, and empathy in creating an inclusive learning environment. I prioritize practical, real-world applications, ensuring that every lesson is relevant to my students' daily lives and future aspirations. This approach empowers them to immediately apply what they learn, whether it’s navigating everyday situations or preparing for employment opportunities. I’ve also integrated more technology into my teaching, leveraging digital tools to enhance learning outcomes, particularly for those transitioning into the Australian workforce.

In the future, I see the role of teachers evolving into that of facilitators and guides, particularly for migrant communities. As society becomes more complex and digital, teachers won’t just be language instructors, they’ll be mentors, helping students bridge gaps in digital literacy, cultural integration, and employability. Teachers will create personalized, inclusive learning environments that honor the diverse experiences and backgrounds of each student. For migrant learners, this means teachers will be instrumental in helping them overcome the unique challenges of adapting to a new country, while empowering them with the skills and confidence to thrive. Our role will expand beyond the classroom, becoming a source of guidance, encouragement, and advocacy.

My advice to anyone considering a career in adult education, especially with migrant communities, is to approach it with patience, adaptability, and deep empathy. Teaching adults goes far beyond delivering subject content, it’s about truly understanding the diverse backgrounds, challenges, and aspirations of your students. Many migrants are navigating not only language barriers but also the emotional and cultural complexities of starting life anew in a foreign country. As a teacher, you’re in a unique position to transform their lives. By fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment, you help them build confidence, develop critical life skills, and open doors to opportunities they may have never imagined. In this role, you become a catalyst for change, guiding students to realize their potential and helping them integrate into their new communities.


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What keeps me going, even on the toughest days, is witnessing the progress and transformation of our students. Knowing that we are playing a part in their journey toward personal and professional success is incredibly rewarding. Each small milestone they achieve, whether it’s mastering a new concept or gaining the confidence to pursue a job opportunity, reaffirms the importance of the work we do. I’m fortunate to work alongside a dedicated community of teachers and staff who share the same vision of empowering students. This collective commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of others provides constant support and encouragement, even when the challenges feel overwhelming.

To foster a supportive learning environment, especially for students who may feel overwhelmed or out of their comfort zone, I focus on creating a safe, inclusive space where they feel empowered to take risks without fear of judgment. I emphasize that making mistakes is a natural and valuable part of learning, and I encourage students to ask questions and seek help whenever they need it. Positive reinforcement is central to my approach—I celebrate even the smallest achievements to build confidence and maintain motivation. Additionally, I cultivate a strong sense of community within the classroom, encouraging peer support and collaboration. By fostering connections among students, I help them realize that they’re not alone on their journey.

My hope for the future of adult education, particularly for migrant communities, is that it continues to be recognized as an essential tool for empowerment and social integration. I envision learning opportunities becoming more accessible and flexible, designed to meet the diverse and evolving needs of migrants. This includes not only language acquisition but also vocational training, digital literacy, and tailored support systems that help individuals navigate their new environment.

I also hope to see increased investment in resources that close the gap between education and employment for migrants. This includes fostering stronger connections between educational institutions, employers, and support services, ensuring students can seamlessly transition from the classroom to the workforce. Ultimately, my vision is for adult education to be a transformative force, empowering migrants to contribute meaningfully to their communities while realizing their own potential in their new country.