Staff Spotlight - Ayesha Lekamalage's Story

14 October 2024

Our People and Culture Administrator, Ayesha Lekamalage's Story

When I arrived in Australia from Sri Lanka in September 2023 to pursue my Master of Business Management, I had no idea what lay ahead. Like many international students, I faced the uncertainty of being far from home, balancing financial challenges, and navigating a new culture. What I didn’t expect was that my journey would lead me to an incredible opportunity I could have never imagined. 

Before moving to Australia, I had spent eight years as an HR professional in Sri Lanka. I held a degree in Human Resource Management and an MBA, and my work was a source of pride. However, as an international student, I thought continuing in my profession here would be almost impossible. I had heard how hard it was for international students to secure relevant jobs, especially in specialized fields like HR. 

In October 2023, something remarkable happened. I landed a volunteer role in the People and Culture department of commUnity+. It was a great opportunity, and it felt like a big step forward. Volunteering gave me the chance to immerse myself in the Australian workplace and make meaningful connections. I embraced the experience, grateful for every new lesson. 

Then came the moment that changed everything. A part-time People and Culture Administrator position opened up in the organization, and I decided to take a chance. I went through the interview process, never expecting much, but determined to give it my all. In March 2024, I officially began working in the role, something I had only dreamed of.  

I truly appreciate that commUnity+ recognized my abilities and trusted me with this role. Being part of an organization so committed to enhancing community well-being fills me with pride every day. It’s an honour to contribute to a team that makes a real difference in people's lives, and every moment here feels like an opportunity to uplift and serve the community. 

In my role, I support the People and Culture team, which directly impacts our organization’s ability to serve the community effectively. By helping to recruit, onboard, and support staff, I ensure that the people delivering essential services to the community are equipped and empowered to do their best work. It’s meaningful to me because I know the ripple effect this has on those we serve. 

This opportunity was more than just a job, it felt like a miracle. It’s not every day that an international student gets to work in their professional field in a new country, especially so soon after arriving. Looking back, I know that it wasn’t just luck. My years of dedication in Sri Lanka, the skills I had built, and my willingness to step out of my comfort zone all played a part. 

My goal is to continue growing as a People and Culture professional and to expand my knowledge in Australian labor laws and HR practices. commUnity+ has supported me in this by providing an environment where I can learn and develop while also offering me hands-on experience that is invaluable for my career. 

Ayesha story


I am immensely grateful for this chance and for the faith my manager and the organization placed in me. Every day, I carry that gratitude with me, eager to learn and contribute more. This journey has taught me that when you work hard and stay open to opportunities, incredible things can happen, sometimes even things you thought were impossible. 

One of the most important things I’ve learned from my colleagues is the value of collaboration. Everyone here works together so seamlessly, supporting one another with a shared commitment to our mission. It's a reminder that we achieve so much more when we work as a team. 

I hope my story can inspire others who might be facing their own uncertainties. No matter where you start or how difficult the road seems, keep pushing forward. You never know what doors will open or how your hard work will pay off in ways you couldn’t have predicted.